Self-Help Series

Are you experiencing uncomfortable situations, e.g. stressed out, disappointments, weary, sadness and/or anxiety that disturbing your daily life? Do you feel that it is somewhat unbalanced your body, mind and soul? Does it feel like you only wanting to stay in your room and spend your time to sleep all day, or even for a couple of days without doing anything?

So, first things first to do:

1. Get out of the bed and go out of your room.
2. Take a bath.
3. Do exercise as possible as you can.
4. Find a family member or a friend to talk to or take a stroll in your neighborhood,
     go shopping, hangout, etc.
5. Help people outside (in your community) as many as you can or just find one or 
     two persons who need helps around you.
6. Pray.

You may ask, “Why I must do these things?” It is because staying in your room and thinking about your problems desperately alone could add to more frustrations or depression. Pick several choices that you favour to do as mentioned above. It is suggested that you do those things regularly and you would see that your burdens, loneliness and/or hardest feelings would eventually eliminate. All the best.* (WONN)


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